Her first story

My daughter has a rich imagination. She loves to play with her figurines, miniature dolls and plastic animals. And when they aren't around she plays with "Pee Pee" and "Pee Pee." Those are the names of her spiders, otherwise known as, her hands. Her fingers are very agile spider legs and the two "Pee Pees" have been running all over the furniture and walls of our townhouse. I love to see her in action when she is makin' stuff up.
The first story she made up on her own and told my husband and I was right around her second birthday and it goes like this: "One day, the little girl lived, and loved peanuts. Then a big bear came. She fell down. They lived happily ever after. The end." A few months later she added this: "One day, the little girl lived, and loved peanuts. Then a big bear came and took the peanuts. She fell down and had to get more at the store. They lived happily ever after. The end." I really like it when she tells this to the two "Pee Pees." They get a big kick out of it.
I told you: she's a born blogger!
How about that that made me tear up a little? Too sweet.
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