strange goings on

I don't know if there is something about the summertime that makes kids go nutty, but I have to blame my daughter's strange behavior on something (because is certainly couldn't have anything to do with me). Her brother is amused by her antics and the wilder she gets the giddier he becomes. It's cute, and also a bit trying. Here is what she has been up to:
1. Refusing to wear clothes and her pull-up diaper. She tells me she likes to be naked and I explain that she can be naked in the house, but she has to wear her pull-up OR go pee pee on the potty. She doesn't like either option so I end up spending a good chunk of my day chasing her nakedness around the house with a princess pull-up while threatening her with the "naughty chair." Thank you Supper Nanny for that one.
2. She has starting yelling the word NUTS for no apparent reason. And I mean yelling it. It sounds as if it is the punch line to a joke, but she never gives us the set-up. Maybe something like this: A man walks into a bar mumbling to the bartender. The bartender asks him if he would like a beer. The man keeps mumbling and points to the counter. "I'm sorry" the bartender replies, "but I can't understand you. Do you want a drink?" The man shakes his head no and points to his stomach. "Oh, you're hungry? Well, we don't serve meals here, sir. Can I get you a drink?" The man shakes his head no and points frantically to his belly. "I can't get you any food, sir, this is a bar," says the bartender. The man grabs an empty bowl from the counter and yells... "NUTS?!"
3. She has put a ban on napping in the house. She doesn't even like it when her brother does it. I used to take her for a drive when she got really tired and she would be asleep in her carseat within five minutes. Now that there is DVD player in the new car she won't go nonny in it. I have resorted to telling her that it is broken and that I'll fix it when we get home from our drive. That one actually worked today. But she'll be on to me soon enough.
I know there are more that my tired mind can't recall and I am sure there are more to come. For now, I am trying to be more amused than annoyed, just like her brother.
LOL, I love that picture their expressions are priceless. And #2 made me laugh so hard!
All I can say is NUTS!
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