it's back

the first outbreak - march 2004
I am horrified to report that my daughter's thumb is starting to swell up again with viral blisters. This is a strange condition called herpetic whitlow. The first time she got it was a year and a half ago, when she was 17 months old. She had a terrible virus the week before and she was teething. A bad combination. She had been chewing on her thumb and the virus got in there. She had cold sores on in the corner of her mouth before, but now she had cold sores on her thumb. The blisters turned black and had to be punctured and expressed at the pediatritian's office. This was followed by a treatment of antiviral and antibiotic topical creams. It took weeks for it to clear up completely, and when it did we never expected it to return.
My daughter had a viral infection over a week ago. Not a bad one. She had a fever one day of 100 degrees and mild intestinal issues for a couple of days and she was a little craby. Then, when all her symptoms were gone I noticed a cluster of blisters on her thumb. The same thumb. In the same two spots. She said it didn't hurt. I ran and grabbed the creams from last year and loaded it on. I called the pediatrition who said that was all I needed to do at this point. It wouldn't need to be "popped" unless it got infected. I am freaking out here. I mean, just look at that photo of how bad it got last time. And, how can it not hurt? Oh, and did I mention we are going on vacation Saturday?
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