need a pick-me-up?

(see number three below)
This is mainly for you Mommies out there who, like me, have very little time for yourself. Although, readers sans progeny can try these as well. During the course of the day I look for ways to jumpstart my system. I get tiny bursts of energy that help me stay on top of the mess, care for my kids, cook all the meals, drive around in the hot, etc. But, these are TINY bursts. Here are some things I do to recharge my battery that take under 5 minutes. I have found that these things not only keep me alert, they make me happy, too.
1. Eat anything containing chocolate.
2. Use MILK AND HONEY SUGAR SCRUB in the shower. It smells like cookies and makes my skin feel like silk. Thanks again Messers for the gift that keeps on giving.
3. Laugh with your children.
4. Remember your favorite vacation. Ah, Saint Martin... sandy beaches... cool blue water... pina coladas...
5. Read someone's latest blog entry. I enjoy Cranky Mommy. She writes them short and sweet, with a hint of sarcasm and keen observations. (see my sidebar for the link)
If anybody out there has more to add I would love to try something new. Please comment here and tell me what you do to get through the day with a smile on your face.
The best blog out there is without question
I don't know who this guy is, but he's really brilliant. I hear he's also an improviser who lives in Glendale and is a Jew by birth. Weird, huh?
thanks for the plug :)
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