the week that changed everything

It has been so long since my last post that I can't think of one thing to blog about tonight. The one thing I do want to say is that I am really excited. So much good stuff to report. I'll run down the list for you:
1. The herpetic whitlow attack is over. Her thumb is back to its normal state. The blisters grew but never changed color. They popped on their own and are scabbed up. Hip Hip Hooray! I didn't have to bust out the needle and get viral juices on my hands.
2. The vacation went well. The kids had a great time. I had a great time. The rest of the family had a great time. Everyone helped out with the kids and I got to do lots of stuff like: go out to dinner without feeding a baby on my right and trying to keep my daughter from running around the restaurant on my left, waverunning with my husband at the incredible speed of 25 miles per hour and having a full body massage and steam room party with my sisters and stepmom.
3. I spent 15 hours away from the kids! That's right, and entire day out in the world doing what I love most. I acted in a short film until 6pm and then drove over the hill to bang. Improv Studio
to teach an improv class to a brand new group of students.
4. I drove the kids out to Ventura today, by myself, to spend the day with a friend of mine and her family. They live on the East Coast and come out once a year. It went well. The kids had a great time. I had a great time. And the best part... they fell asleep in the car on the way home around 5:30pm and haven't woken up! I put them in their beds and they are still asleep now at 10:00pm. I had the evening to myself to watch the series finale of Six Feet Under that had been waiting patiently for me on my Tivo.
5. I had a "ladies night out" with the Mommies from school last night. Great Mexican food was had by all. The gals had a good time. I had a good time. I even got dressed up.
6. I have a bridal shower to go to tomorrow in Malibu for a dear friend of mine. That's right, another day away from the kids with quality time with the ladies and some good eats.
Reading this over I see why I am so very excited. The past week has been perhaps the best week since my son was born. I feel like myself again. Not part of myself, my whole self. And I am a much better Mother today because I had that week. I think I was able to take the kids on such a big trip today without anxiety because I was able to reconnect with the world in such a huge way over the past 7 days. Not only did I get out of my house, I lived in the world. I remembered what I was good at and I spent quality time with other adults that I care deeply about. So, all you Mommies that feel like you have forgotten who you are, get out of your house... by yourself, and touch the world again.
What a wonderful post! I can see it in montage form as I read it.
Important to do...and remember how good this made you feel.
You are awesome!!! Don't ever forget it.
I love this picture. I was feeling down today and looking at it reminded me of the great things in life. Thank you!!!
Great advice. And you are so pretty and your kids so cute! Model family!
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