Here I am

This is a photo I took for an assignment to capture a discovery. This is real, not a set-up. She really missed Elmo once the head came off... even though it was Daddy inside.
I am back! Okay, I never went anywhere. I just got incredibly busy. This "mostly stay at home Mom" has become a "mostly work at home Mom." Not that taking care of kids isn't work, but I now have my own business in addition to taking care of the kids. It is a whole new level of crazy. I have my "office" in my room and have to sneak in my daily hours during my son's afternoon naps, and after the house is cleaned up and the kids in bed for the night. I no longer have me time. It has become, OH MY GOD, I HAVE TO MEET THIS DEADLINE time. My work has also brought me back to a semblance of who I was before kids: artistic, driven, financially productive. Most of you know what my business is, but for those of you who may not, it is photography. I do headshots, family portraits, birthday parties and fine art. I am also enrolled in an art school near me. It has been wonderful going back to school. I remembered how much I loved going to college. Not just learning new things, but the sense of accomplishment you feel when you do something well. I got 100% on my first photo assignment. I am living proof that if you want something bad enough you can absolutely make it happen.
My kids are little people now. My son has an amazing vocabulary for a 19 month old and my daughter has become quite a little lady. I hope to write with more regularity and share some of the adventures I am having with them. So, until next time, thank you for checking back in with me and come again soon!