What I want in 2008

Okay, I feel like I need to make a list of everything I would like to achieve in 2008. Making a list in 2007 and posting it for all to see may have helped to manifest the things I wanted. So, here goes... practical, impractical, outrageous and simple, in no particular order...
1. More photography clients. Especially wedding clients.
2. My children to attend private school.
3. A romantic getaway with my husband.
4. Another exhibition of my work.
5. A commercial agent.
6. A 3 bedroom, 2 bath house with a great yard in Valley Village/Studio City
7. A flatscreen TV with Tivo in my bedroom.
8. Someone to clean my house twice a month.
9. A grand 40th birthday party. That's right, I am turning 40! Arghh....
10. Get my scripts produced on an internet network.
11. Mount my second installment of LA WOMEN to packed houses.
12. Get new sneakers.
13. Organize my office.
14. Save more money.
15. Snuggle more with my husband.
16. Do yoga once a week.
17. Get my husband a new car - a Hybrid.
18. Hang more of my prints in my home.
19. Clean out the garage.
20. Laugh more.
Okay, that is a much shorter list than last year. The truth is, I am so much happier now than I was then. I really feel blessed with what I do have, and it feels greedy to even make this list. My children are healthy and happy, smart and funny. My husband and I have more time for each other, I am working on several creative projects that I am very proud of, I have amazing friends that constantly surprise me with their unconditional love and support, we are financially stable, traveling quite a lot. Still, it's fun to dream and see what the universe has in store for me.
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