a quick note on the status of my kids

a good cry between the laughter
So, my boy is back. For the most part. He is healthy, knock on wood. However, he still has frequent baby style tantrums. They are much louder than my daughter's were. Usually a change of scenery will snap him out of it. He has started to communicate and that has helped tremendously. His favorite and most frequently used word is "more" accompanied by the sign for more. He also says lots of animal sounds, ball, go, Mama, Dada and ni-ni (night-night).
My daughter is becoming quite the entertainer and artist. Always singing and dancing. When she isn't singing and dancing she is coloring. And when she isn't coloring she is glued to the television. She loves Disney films and anything claymation. The Corpse Bride is in heavy rotation. She makes me laugh, and she is good company.
A side note, the photo above was taken in the middle of a photo shoot. She sees me with clients and has started asking me to take photos of her. In the middle of our session she cried because she didn't want to take direction anymore. A moment later she got up and continued her posing. She is getting quite good. Okay, I better include a photo of the evidence.

What a little model you have. That first photo is so sad but a great photo!
Glad to hear you got your boy back!
best regards, nice info » » »
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