stuff i swear i'll do this year

I hate making New Year's Resolutions, because like most of you, I don't stick to them. I start out full of good intentions and then midway through February I have let them all go. I convince myself that I was unrealistic. Or that I didn't really want to do those things in the first place. This year is different. Seriously, it is! I have already gotten the ball rolling on some of this stuff. So, here is my list:
1. Take a digital photography course. I am preregistered for this one and start in February so I won't be backing out of this.
2. Get my daughter out of pull-ups and into panties. Oh wait, she did that herself during the holiday break! I guess I can cross that off my list and give myself extra points for having accomplished this before the New Year.
3. More dates with the husband. Our lovely sitter gets back in town in mid January and I plan to book her up ASAP. My sister has also vowed to assist me in this area.
4. Sleep more. Yes, he is sleeping through the night, however, our daughter now climbs into bed with us around 2am and sleeps with us until 7:00am. It's cute, but my sleep is still interrupted. I vow to correct this and get at least a couple nights a week of solid, deep, rejuvenate sleep.
5. Have Gratitude. As much as I complain, my life is pretty damn good. I have a gorgeous, healthy and happy family. I am starting a new career in photography. I have a home with all the "stuff" that so many others in the world aren't able to enjoy. When I get tired and cranky I am going to step back and count my blessings. Corny, I know, but it just might make for a better year.
you don't actually complain that much!
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