best saturday ever

the children on a happier day
He had his one year check-up today. We also took his sister in for her three year check-up. It was chaos. He did pretty well considering we had to wake him up from a deep sleep to be prodded and poked with needles. She, on the other hand, behaved like she was undergoing some form of torture. Screaming and crying the whole time. She was even afraid of the scale. She wouldn't stand up to be measured, so we had to stretch her out on the examining table to measure her like they do babies. That was the easy part. Then she had to have a bag stuck on to her vagina with adhesive in hopes of getting a urine sample because she still refuses to go on the potty. She screamed "I don't want a sticker on my vagina! It hurts, Mommy, take it off!" She was holding me so hard and trembling. Then the shots came... then the blood test. By the time we were in the lab, the girl was all blotchy in the face and I thought she might pass out. She didn't have much fight left in her. As the technician looked her arms over for veins, she whimpered that she wanted to go to the dinosaur museum, and get some icecream for her arm to make it feel better. And yes, she did mention again that she wanted the sticker off. The man said she didn't have good veins and decided to poke her finger and squeeze blood out into a tiny tube. This was a very slow and probably painful process. The sticker was then removed, sans urine and we got the kids dressed again. After being there for an hour and a half it was finally over. We strapped them into the car and she passed out within five minutes.
Here are the stats:
He is 26.3 pounds and 31.5 inches. He is in the 95th percentile for height and weight.
She is 32 pounds and 39.5 inches. She is in the 90th percentile for height and 50th for weight.
Oh, and yes, I am still sick. I have had a sinus infection for 10 days. I am as low as I can be physically and emotionally.
Happy Saturday!
wow, what an ordeal. at least you can cross "the annual" off your list. get better!
Sounded like a rough trip to the dr. but that is one cute pic!
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