Where did my boy go?

He has been sick for over a week. And not even the worst kind of sick. Just your basic cold type thing. Coughing, runny nose, slight fever. But the boy is CRANKY! I don't even recognize this kid. He has been whining all day. ALL DAY. Not crying, just whining at a pitch that pounds the inside of your head until you want to put your fist into the wall. I try snuggling him, he wants no part of it. I try putting him down, he arches his back and screams. I try to feed him, he throws all his food on the floor. The only thing that calms him down for a few minutes is a frozen pedialyte pop. He pounds that thing like a high school football player at a Homecoming kegger. I will admit that yesterday was a bit better. He laughed a few times and ate half of one meal. And, he ate breakfast this morning. Ahh, maybe my son is on his way back to me. I sure have missed him.
GAH! look at that little boy hair! that is not baby hair!
also, the extent to which his brow/forehead/eye area resembles ezra's is INSANE.
love love,
I hope he's tip top once again and you have your little boy back!
Oh my - my son Drew is going through the (cue creepy music here) Same. Exact. Thing.
Right down to the Food Hurling and Back Arching While Whining Incessantly.
I feel your pain.
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