the winds of change

Ah yes, I feel them blowing. Softly, like a cool kisses on a warm cheek.
Change is the only thing you can rely on as a parent. Your children continue to grow. They continue to learn new words and skills. Their personalities are taking shape. Their appetite for life is insatiable. I find myself constantly trying to keep up with them. I learn and grow right along side them. Sometimes I am uncertain about who is the greater teacher. Is it me or them? I am more patient, generous and caring than I was before kids.
My son is walking quickly. I can't say running just yet, but that is right around the corner. My daughter is using her potty regularly with few accidents. She has also started to put on shows for us and family members. It usually consists of a dance of some kind with her in one of her many costumes. It is so cliche to say, "they grow up too fast," but I am amazed at how true that is. My daughter's face is changing from toddler to little girl. My son has all his front teeth and a little boy haircut. Gone is the baby with the mullet and the gummy smile.
Blow gentle wind, slowly, so I have a chance to let go.
Oh goodness. Tears over here.
All too true. I can't think about it too much - I'll get all emotional and sobby.
Great picture!
Is that your new camera put into action? Love it!
SnifF, sniff!
Beautiful photo.
Wow what great blog. I just read this whole thing from top to bottom. Remind me to bow next time I see you.
i'm not ready for all of these changes. what happened to the days of feeling the kicks in our tummys? sad eek.
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