how'm i doin'?

first napride at the memorial park in a long while
I made a list back in June when I had only been blogging about a month. It was a list of things I things I woke up hoping to do every day, but never got around to doing. I compiled that list during the roughest stretch of motherhood (so far). I was up most of the night with my son, not eating well, alone with the kids most of the time. Now that over half a year has gone by since I wrote that list, I thought I would revisit it to see how I am doing now. Have I accomplished any of these goals I set for myself last summer? Let's see...
1. Read something other than an article in a Parenting magazine
I have read 2 books! David Sedaris' DRESS THEM IN CORDUROY AND DENIM (very funny!), and Maya Goldberg's WICKET'S REMEDY (very good and a little scary).
2. Make a nutritious meal for myself and eat it slowly
I am making better meals, but I still eat pretty fast. My new crockpot has contributed greatly to this one!
3. Shop for something pretty for myself
I have been throwing out lots of old, out of date clothing and collecting some cute things when I go out. Target has been good to me in this department. Oh, I just need to run in for some diapers and birthday cards... wait, this shirt is pretty cute, and it's only 15 bucks.
4. Scrub down the shower in my bathroom
I finally convinced my husband to hire someone to do this twice a month.
5. Convince my daughter to spend quality time on her potty
She goes all by herself now. I don't even have to remind her.
6. Call up a friend and see how they are doing
I have done that the past three nights in a row! And three different friends, too.
7. Take yoga class, or just stretch for a few minutes, or take a few cleansing breaths
I keep trying to get to class and have only taken one since June. Hmmm, number seven needs some more work.
8. Go to bed early
Nope. Not happening. I am sleeping better when I do fall asleep. The boy sleeps through the night and I don't wake up to pee as often.
9. Decorate my son's room so it looks more like a nursery and less like a red room with a crib in it
Slowly but surely, it is coming along. Just bought some new knobs for his dresser today. That should spruce things up in there.
10. Give my husband some good lovin'
Progress is being made here, too. I am sure he wouldn't mind if I kept working on this one.
So, I think I am doing pretty well. I have new things to complain about, but it is good to see that the things that I wanted several months ago have come to be. I can cross out most of these "to dos" off my list. Time to make a new one.
Just to let you know that you gave me a very good direction. Thanks a million. I'm always your silent reader, even though I seldom put a comment *I'm always here* Winkz!
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