the highs and lows

taken moments before he woke up
and vomited all over himself
That would be filed under lows. We were driving back from Cambria, a quaint town on the central coast, when he filled the car with a smell of rotten fruit salad. There was a nice police officer who pulled over to see what we were doing on the side of the freeway with a half naked toddler on the ground. He understood what was happening pretty quickly and got back in his car to supervise from a safe distance. Poor kid also developed pink eye that same day. And that morning I was in the hospital getting an adrenaline shot to stop hives from spreading over my entire body. Mark that up as a low.

We had driven up there to see the seals that beach themselves every year to give birth. We timed it out so we would get there to see plenty of babies. They were cute and the day was sunny and nice. The 20 minutes we spent on the oceanside viewing these huge creatures was awesome. That would be filed under high.

My daughter is out of pull-ups and goes to the bathroom to do her business without being prompted. I am still in awe of this transformation. Three years of changing her are over for good. We haven't had an accident in quite a while and she doesn't like going on the little potty anymore, just the big toilet with her Dora the Explorer seat on it. This is a high! Cleaning the little potty out after each use was kind of gross.
My son is still waking up around 5am every morning no matter what time I put him to bed. LOW! I think on daylight savings time is going to change this. He is on some crazy internal clock that makes him rise just before the sun.
And to end on a high note, my kids are damn entertaining these days. They both did a dancing show together last in their PJ's. Both twirling together and laughing. Seeing my son copy his sister was adorable. And it was the first time he actually twirled. I have got to charge my video camera!
more pictures please!
That picture of the hives made me itch all over. I think I need to go home and bathe in Calomine lotion!
Enjoyed a lot! » » »
Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP » » »
Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP » »
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