What I want in 2007

Realistic and unrealistic. Here is my uncensored list of what I want in 2007 in no particular order:
1. New work out shoes
2. Nice coat
3. One day to myself each week
4. A house in Sherman Oaks
5. A Dyson vacuum cleaner
6. Half a day at Burke Williams
7. Regular dates with my husband
8. A new wardrobe
9. New bedroom furniture
10. A gallery show of my photography
11. A light kit
12. A flash with bounce and long range capability
13. New camera lenses
14. The latest point and shoot Nikon
15. My 2 person show mounted
16. To lose 6 pounds
17. My kids to continue preschool at VBS
18. To get a commercial agent
19. Book more photo clients a month
20. Have a weekend getaway with my husband and without the kids
21. To put more money in savings/investments
22. To eat healthier meals
23. To redo my kids rooms
24. Mount lots of my photos and display them in the house
25. To get back to yoga class
26. To have my family spend more time with my kids
27. To be a better friend
28. To keep my house clean
29. A new computer
30. A flat screen TV in the livingroom.
31. See more movies
32. Have dates with my camera and find interesting things to shoot
33. See my husband in a play
34. Laugh with my kids more
35. Get and stay organized
36. Toss out everything I don't need
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