My Little People

They are not babies anymore. Or even toddlers. They are grade-schoolers. He is in his last few weeks of preschool and she just completed kindergarten. They will both be at the same school next year. I am in shock. It feels like I turned around and I have little people living in my house. She is addicted to Nintendo DS. He loves animals and anything dinosaur. They are funny, cleaver and the best of friends. At the mall the other day she grabbed him on the escalator, hugged him and said, "I just love you so much." His reply? "Are you glad you have a brother?" Her response, "I'm glad I have one as cute as you." They still fight,... a lot. But, the moments of tendernss and caring for each other are more frequent and intense than when they were tots.
I haven't been working much this summer. Instead of being bummed about that, I am embracing the opportunities to swim with them, play video games with them, beach with them, chill with them, laugh with them.