
So many things to blog about. It has been days since I had a chance to sit at my iMac and jot down my thoughts. Do I compose another list? Do I recount my day? Share with you the lastest new things my children have done? Or tell you why I haven't been able to blog at will? I'm pretty tired tonight, so here is what I have decided:
Why I haven't been able to blog at will: I am sleep deprived. I know, I already blogged about that a few weeks ago. But, just for the record... I am still sleep deprived. My son still likes to get his snuggle on at 11pm, 2am and sometime between 4 and 5am. God help us all if I can't get him back to sleep after the last one. If he wakes close to 5am I can be pretty sure he's up for the day. I try to convince him that his crib is a cool place to hang out until 6am, but he rarely makes it that far. He likes to do his vocal exercises as the sun comes up, which usually wakes up my daughter. At that point the kids are all in my room and I let my husband take over. They gently nudge him until he gets up and takes everyone downstairs for breakfast. At that point I sneak into my son's room and grab another hour of sleep on the twin bed. It is the best hour of sleep I get all night because Daddy is taking care of the babies and I know that no one will need me for that one precious hour.
Ahh, 5:59am.