her favorite story

We got the DVD of the Wizard of Oz last weekend and sat on the couch to view it with our barely three year old daughter. She loves Willy Wonka, The Incredibles and Alice in Wonderland so we thought she might be ready for Oz. She loves the soundtrack to Wicked, too, so she already has a working knowledge of the Emerald City and the good and bad witch. I was still a little nervous because I remember being freaked out by the flying monkeys and the wicked witches henchmen. Not only did she sit through the entire film, she asked to see it again once it was over. We let her see the next day, and again the next day before bed. She loves the monkeys. Today she asked me to be Dorothy and she was the flying monkey. She kept flying to me and taking away "Toto", which was in actuality a pink piggy flashlight. After circling the couch with him she would deliver him back into my arms, only to take him away again on her next circling. But that isn't the cutest part, that would be how she sings the soundtrack already. She sings "We're off to see the Wizard," "If I were King of the Forest," "Somewhere over the Rainbow." The best line she sings by far is this one: "If I only had a brain, a heart, a home, da nerve." See sings that one perfectly on key and with the strange New York accent that the cowardly lion has. She has begged my for a Dorothy costume complete with Ruby slippers, refers to me as the Tinman throughout the day and always wants the story told to her at bed time with the lights out. She has even cast our entire family in the hopes that we will all get together and reenact it with her. Here are the various roles:
her: Dorothy
me: Tinman
her baby brother: Toto
aunt mai mai: the lion
her daddy: the scarecrow
her grandpa: the wizard
her aunt mimi: the good witch
her uncle darrin and her grandma share the role of: the wicked witch
on a side note... i am feeling much beter. thank god for antibiotics and some quality time with my man.